Friday, October 16, 2009

Preparing You For LIFE- New Series!

As students, we're used to striving for certain results: good grades, scholarships, desirable awards, and overall a degree. But, aside from academic and successful achievements, we're also striving for other things that are more or less important to us: long-lasting friendships, approval, confidence, and an identity we are happy with, a fulfillment that silences everything else.

Over the past few weeks we've been exploring this through a series centered on four things we find important for every student to possess.

1. Leadership
2. Integrity
3. Faith
4. Excellence.

It's not just a list for you to shake off the dust and try harder to attain for. They're a sample of qualities that Jesus displayed in His life in hopes that we'll one day study and walk out in our own lives, and by his strength we're able to do so.

*The series started September 9th and will go until November 8th.

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